Equipped4More Ministries

Don't Do What Peter Did

"But Peter said, 'Man I do not know what you are saying.'"
Luke 22: 60a

Have you ever been on such a spiritual "high" that you just didn't think you would come down?  You think to yourself,
"Satan, you 'Can't touch this!'"
For instance, a church service where the Spirit of God is so strong.  You are surrounded by like-minded believers and under the awesome power of the Holy Spirit. It's just amazing.  Yet, five minutes after walking through the front door of your home, the arguing begins.  Fussing over dishes in the sink, laundry piling up and the cares of this world just too much to deal with in the moment.
When Jesus predicted Peter's denial, Peter's initial reaction was,
"No way! I'm ready to go with you to prison and to death." Luke 22:33.
Yet hours later, fearing the repercussions of acknowledging Jesus and feeling alone and vulnerable, he denies even knowing who Jesus is.  Three times.
How relevant this story is to our health and wellness journey.  When surrounded by others on the same journey, all losing weight and feeling great, we are on a weight loss "high" of sorts.  Pumped up and ready to fight that devil in the Doritos bag or the drive thru lane at McDonald's.
But after a long, stressful day at work, and a frustrating weigh in, we find ourselves alone and vulnerable.  Fearing the food that lurks in the pantry.  So we deny the need to lose weight.  We deny the goals we once had.  Forget all about the "high" and succumb to the enemy.
Friend, in life and in weight loss, we must always be on guard and alert.  Satan is not out to attack you when you are standing face to face with Jesus (as Peter was) or when you are engaged in your weight loss program; reading and taking part in the daily devotions and strategies.  Engaging with others in the Facebook group.  Weighing in and journaling.  
No. He is waiting for you to come home.  Tired, worn out and with your guard down.  
That's when he strikes.
The incident of Peter denying Christ was devastating for him.  We read that after he realized what he had done, "He wept bitterly."  Serious, shameful tears.
Does that sound like you after bingeing on chips and cookies after a long day at work?  When no one else is around.
I don't think Peter ever forgot what he had done either.  It likely haunted him.  Much like our guilt regarding our eating habits haunts us.
I think Peter learned from his mistakes and we can too.  Many years later when writing to the Christians in Asia Minor,  he reminds us, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8
Reminding us that awareness is key.  Remaining alert in our journey is the path to success.
Satan may be sneaky, but he can't touch you if you remain close to Christ.
And likewise, remain engaged with your weight loss program, and he can't touch that either!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
Satan really does wait for me to let down my guard, to attack.  During the times I am vigilant in my weight loss, I am successful.  God help me to begin to be more on guard in weight loss.  I am tired of the tears that I cry out of shame.  I know that isn't what You want for me.  Help me to realize today that my weight loss is directly related to my mental and spiritual health.  I long to remain alert and aware, so that I do not give place to the devil in my weight loss.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

I'd love to continue this journey with you through my first published devotion:
 Your 40 Day Miracle
Get your copy

Don't Do What Peter Did
Peter's lesson about remaining alert is powerful for us in our weight loss journey.
Read Ephesians 4:17-24 and answer the following questions to learn what you can do to remain alert in weight loss.

1. Verse 17 says, "No longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind."  Who are the "Gentiles" in your life?  Those who hold you back in weight loss.  Sabotaging, or undermining your desire to lose weight?  

2.  How do you want to walk differently than those you described in question #1?

3. Verse 18 describes why the minds of the Gentiles is futile.  It says, "They have ________________________ themselves from the life of God."

4.  How does alienating from others impact your weight loss?

This week, be in prayer to God regarding your awareness.  Ask Him to bring to light any area in which you are alienating from others to the point that it is adversely affecting your walk with Him, and your weight loss journey!

I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
 Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
 "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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1 Comment

Lucy Graham - November 5th, 2024 at 7:07am

Thank you for your faithfulness and support. I can’t but God can.




