Don't Stop Now
Don't forget the strategy at the bottom!
We want to help you actively practice what you are reading today!
Let God move mightily in your life!
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."
Hebrews 10:25
Sometimes we just need someone to tell us to keep going. No long speech, no long conversation, just three little words;
"Don't Stop Now!"
Friend, we can find a thousand reasons to eat our way into oblivion over the next eight weeks. And rationalise why we should, why it's going to feel good, and find a thousand people to join in on the fun. I pray this is the one message that stops you in your tracks. Ask yourself the following questions:
"What is going to happen to my body if I do that?
My knees. My back. My current health conditions; diabetes, blood pressure, etc. Not to mention my mental health; anxiety, depression?"
(Make no mistake, all ARE related to our weight in one way or another.)
We know what happens when we lose 10 pounds.
We've all done it; a thousand times.
Confidence begins to soar, back pain fades. We go to the doctor and med doses are lowered.
Eating our way through the holidays, joy (and stress) that accompany them is only compounding all our issues.
You know how to lose weight. You have been down this road before. And if you are truly honest with yourself, you know you will be happier and healthier if you do lose the weight.
But how? You can't find the motivation. Some day, you just don't care. But most days you do!
So, heres' what you must do. Put one foot in front of the other today. Take it one meal, and one snack at a time. Eat less today than you did yesterday, but move more.
But whatever you do,
"Don't Stop Now!"
Your family needs you.
Your best friend needs you.
Your job needs you.
Your community needs you.
And believe it or not, they are watching you. Doing what you do. Do you want them to have the same eating habits you do? Sneaking and eating. Guilt and shame. Are you proud of what and how much you eat?
An honest inventory is the beginning of the knowledge you need to make the changes you are desperate to make.
You can't do it but God can.
You're reading this because God wanted you too. This is the sign you've been asking for. The help you've been seeking. God is telling you today,
"Don't Stop Now!
Pray with me.
Dear God,
Help me today. With everything going on, I often feel like giving up. God, I know deep in my Spirit, I cannot give up and that is not what You want for me. But I need help. I need You to wake me up. I cannot get motivated. Help me today to see the importance of getting on track. I will always give You the glory, honor and praise!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Don't Stop Now!
But how do we even start? Implement the four strategies in your day today, and you will find success! Don't stop now, you're just getting started!
1. Start off with a sincere prayer to God asking for help. Be honest with Him about your eating habits and all your secrets that cause you guilt and shame. Ask God to take the lead in your journey today.
2. Keep track of everything you are eating. If it takes too long to track, that is a good sign you are eating too much. Embrace tracking food like brushing teeth. It's just something you do to feel good.
3. Add water to your day. The Living Water of the Bible and fresh water too. Both are great ways to cleanse toxins from your body and mind.
4. Get involved with others on this same journey. You will need accountability and support. Don't minimise the importance of learning from, being inspired by, and encouraging others. Accountability in weight loss increases your chances of long term success by 50%!
Have you ordered your copy of Your 40 Day Miracle yet?
It's time for transformation! Get yours today!
We want to help you actively practice what you are reading today!
Let God move mightily in your life!
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."
Hebrews 10:25
Sometimes we just need someone to tell us to keep going. No long speech, no long conversation, just three little words;
"Don't Stop Now!"
Friend, we can find a thousand reasons to eat our way into oblivion over the next eight weeks. And rationalise why we should, why it's going to feel good, and find a thousand people to join in on the fun. I pray this is the one message that stops you in your tracks. Ask yourself the following questions:
"What is going to happen to my body if I do that?
My knees. My back. My current health conditions; diabetes, blood pressure, etc. Not to mention my mental health; anxiety, depression?"
(Make no mistake, all ARE related to our weight in one way or another.)
We know what happens when we lose 10 pounds.
We've all done it; a thousand times.
Confidence begins to soar, back pain fades. We go to the doctor and med doses are lowered.
Eating our way through the holidays, joy (and stress) that accompany them is only compounding all our issues.
You know how to lose weight. You have been down this road before. And if you are truly honest with yourself, you know you will be happier and healthier if you do lose the weight.
But how? You can't find the motivation. Some day, you just don't care. But most days you do!
So, heres' what you must do. Put one foot in front of the other today. Take it one meal, and one snack at a time. Eat less today than you did yesterday, but move more.
But whatever you do,
"Don't Stop Now!"
Your family needs you.
Your best friend needs you.
Your job needs you.
Your community needs you.
And believe it or not, they are watching you. Doing what you do. Do you want them to have the same eating habits you do? Sneaking and eating. Guilt and shame. Are you proud of what and how much you eat?
An honest inventory is the beginning of the knowledge you need to make the changes you are desperate to make.
You can't do it but God can.
You're reading this because God wanted you too. This is the sign you've been asking for. The help you've been seeking. God is telling you today,
"Don't Stop Now!
Pray with me.
Dear God,
Help me today. With everything going on, I often feel like giving up. God, I know deep in my Spirit, I cannot give up and that is not what You want for me. But I need help. I need You to wake me up. I cannot get motivated. Help me today to see the importance of getting on track. I will always give You the glory, honor and praise!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Don't Stop Now!
But how do we even start? Implement the four strategies in your day today, and you will find success! Don't stop now, you're just getting started!
1. Start off with a sincere prayer to God asking for help. Be honest with Him about your eating habits and all your secrets that cause you guilt and shame. Ask God to take the lead in your journey today.
2. Keep track of everything you are eating. If it takes too long to track, that is a good sign you are eating too much. Embrace tracking food like brushing teeth. It's just something you do to feel good.
3. Add water to your day. The Living Water of the Bible and fresh water too. Both are great ways to cleanse toxins from your body and mind.
4. Get involved with others on this same journey. You will need accountability and support. Don't minimise the importance of learning from, being inspired by, and encouraging others. Accountability in weight loss increases your chances of long term success by 50%!
Have you ordered your copy of Your 40 Day Miracle yet?
It's time for transformation! Get yours today!
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
You can help us continue to bless and encourage others.
Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
You can help us continue to bless and encourage others.
Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
It's Time To Start A RevolutionThe Lord WillWin in Weight LossYou Have Been ChosenFasting Diary Day TwoFasting Diary Day ThreeFasting Diary Day FourFasting Diary Day FiveFasting Diary Day SixFasting Diary Day SevenFight 4 Your FamilyKnow His NameJust Forget ItAll Means AllI Had A RevelationHe Is Waiting To Bless YouBlessed Are Those Who BelieveI Have DiedReap in JoyIt's Just Plain SinDon't Doubt ItWon't He Do ItTo The UttermostLook Up
Never Give UpYes, It's Really PossibleCan't Touch ThisThat Doesn't Scare MeEscape RouteCome ExpectingMercy AwaitsTotal DependenceA New CreationA Special TreasureIt's A "Heart" ThingLet's Stick TogetherKeep Your ConfidenceIt's Just That SimpleWhen You PrayIf You BelieveConsult God FirstBe Strong and WorkIt's In YOUWhen God MovesFollowing The CrowdYou've Got The PowerFind Your Strength
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