Being Overweight Can Cripple You
"And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years,
and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up."
Luke 13:11
Jesus spent a great deal of time healing those with chronic sickness, giving sight to the blind, feeding the hungry and casting out demons. But when He "loosed" a spirit of infirmity on a woman, I had to stand up and take notice. When you read about this woman, you see that she had been dealing with this spirit for eighteen years. A spirit of infirmity that caused her to walk bent over. The Bible says she "could in no way raise herself up." I remember hearing a teaching about this passage of scripture and thinking how uncanny it was that it related so closely to my battles with weight. The pastor said,
"When you have a spirit of infirmity, your mind becomes a battlefield."
Yes! My mind is an absolute battlefield when I am caught up in the thralls of unhealthy eating and overindulging. He also said this,
"A spirit of infirmity is a spirit that attaches to you until you are crippled or paralyzed."
And what is the definition of crippled?
"To deprive of capability for service or of strength, efficiency, or wholeness."
Wow! My picture may as well be next to that definition in the dictionary. It descibes me to a tee. When I am unhealthy in my body (overweight and overeating), I don't feel efficient. I can't think straight, and I am definitely lacking in strength.
But God.
The Bible says that when Jesus saw the woman, He called her to Him, and said to her, "Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity. And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God."
This is what I want you to see here. God sees you in your pain and desperation. He is calling you to come closer to Him, so that He can loose these chains of weight and food addiction.
But far too many of us are running from Him in the sense that we are trying to figure this out out on our own. We're not starting our days in prayer and praise, instead we're prepping and planning meals.
"What's wrong with prepping and planning meals?" You ask.
Nothing. BUT before the prep and plan, must come the prayer and praise.
He's calling, "Come to me. I can loose those chains."
Friend, being overweight can be crippling. Both physically and mentally. But Jesus is you key to healing. Go get your healing today.
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I have been crippled by my struggles with my weight for so many years. It's hard to hear Your voice above the noise of everything I have tried in the past. Please help me to hear and come to You today. I cannot do this alone. Thank You God for reminding me that You and You alone are the mighty healer, and just one touch of Your hand is all I need. I glorify Your name.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Being Overweight Can Cripple You
The right foods can keep your energy up and your mind moving in the right direction. Try adding the following to your daily plan for some serious weight loss, and overall benefits.
Bananas -Talk about energy! In some ways this 'monkey fave' is also nature’s perfect snack. High in fiber, B vitamins, and potassium, which energize the muscles and brain. Plus, if you’re not a big breakfast eater, just pack a banana in your bag and off you go. Paired with a cup of Greek yogurt, it's a well-rounded breakfast!
Powerful Pistachios- High in protein, yes, but also in fiber, and heart-healthy fats that will keep your body and brain sharp. A handful of pistachios (approximately 25) contain a perfect 100 calories snack!
Brown Rice- Contains 3.5 grams of fiber and provides about 90% of the recommended daily allowance for manganese, a mineral that helps your enzymes break down carbohydrates and proteins to generate energy. The fiber also contributes to regulating blood sugar which keeps your energy levels steady throughout the day.
Oatmeal- There's a good reason it's on every breakfast menu in town. It’s the perfect fiber-fuelling food to start your day, providing you energy and power through the entire morning without causing you to drag your feet. Foods that are high in healthy fiber also digest slowly so you don’t suffer a mid-morning snack craving.
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
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"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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