It's High Time
"And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed."
Romans 13:11
With just one week before the start of the new year, one could easily justify taking a little break from diligence in many areas of life.
Take a break from reading and studying the Bible; start fresh on January 1st.
Take a break from worrying about calories and exercise; start fresh on January 1st.
Take a break from all the preaching and constant nagging of your kiddos about good grades and clean rooms; start fresh on January 1st.
We all need a break, that's for sure. But for many of us, if we let go of our due diligence in the areas above (and others) getting on track in January is just going to be that much harder.
The Bible admonishes us to "wake up" in Romans 13:11. Now is not the time to sleep and be lazy. Now is the time for us to get more active than ever before.
The week before the new year begins is a time of preparation. Begin thinking and dreaming about your goals for the new year. What are your hopes and aspirations for you and your family? Don't sleep this time away. The NKJV says, it is "high time."
Simply put, this means now is the perfect opportunity fo you to get ready for great things in your life. It's no the time to sleep, and slumber.
You must awake and prepare yourself.
Today is a grand day to start dreaming.
Visualize the new you in the new year.
Friend, January 1st is not the opportune time to start. The best things in life come about with great plans, prayers and preparation. Let today be the day you wake up and realize it's "High Time." Start right now by inviting God into your plans for the new year. Realizing this, when God gets invited on the scene, light comes in.
Invite God and you will invite direction, clarity and perspective into your goals and plans for the new year.
Now is not the time to sleep and slumber, now is the time to plan and prepare!
Wake Up! It's High Time!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I won't wait for January 1st to start my goals for the new year. I will begin now. I openly invite You in to take control. God, you know I desire a healthy life and a closer walk with You. Help me to plan and prepare throughout the last week of this year, realizing that it is "high time;" the perfect time for getting ready to see miracles in my life.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
It's High Time
It's High Time to get ready for success! Gather one or all of the following and get ready for the best year of your life!
1. Purchase a new planner
2. Start a prayer jar/journal
3. Purchase new highlighters and pens
4. Purchase new bible, or bag/cover
What do the above have to do with growing closer to God and achieving my goals?
Structure and excitement! We all get excited about new clothes, new gadgets.
Get your new year gear in place and get ready to achieve goals you've never achieved before!
It's "High Time!"
Romans 13:11
With just one week before the start of the new year, one could easily justify taking a little break from diligence in many areas of life.
Take a break from reading and studying the Bible; start fresh on January 1st.
Take a break from worrying about calories and exercise; start fresh on January 1st.
Take a break from all the preaching and constant nagging of your kiddos about good grades and clean rooms; start fresh on January 1st.
We all need a break, that's for sure. But for many of us, if we let go of our due diligence in the areas above (and others) getting on track in January is just going to be that much harder.
The Bible admonishes us to "wake up" in Romans 13:11. Now is not the time to sleep and be lazy. Now is the time for us to get more active than ever before.
The week before the new year begins is a time of preparation. Begin thinking and dreaming about your goals for the new year. What are your hopes and aspirations for you and your family? Don't sleep this time away. The NKJV says, it is "high time."
Simply put, this means now is the perfect opportunity fo you to get ready for great things in your life. It's no the time to sleep, and slumber.
You must awake and prepare yourself.
Today is a grand day to start dreaming.
Visualize the new you in the new year.
Friend, January 1st is not the opportune time to start. The best things in life come about with great plans, prayers and preparation. Let today be the day you wake up and realize it's "High Time." Start right now by inviting God into your plans for the new year. Realizing this, when God gets invited on the scene, light comes in.
Invite God and you will invite direction, clarity and perspective into your goals and plans for the new year.
Now is not the time to sleep and slumber, now is the time to plan and prepare!
Wake Up! It's High Time!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I won't wait for January 1st to start my goals for the new year. I will begin now. I openly invite You in to take control. God, you know I desire a healthy life and a closer walk with You. Help me to plan and prepare throughout the last week of this year, realizing that it is "high time;" the perfect time for getting ready to see miracles in my life.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
It's High Time
It's High Time to get ready for success! Gather one or all of the following and get ready for the best year of your life!
1. Purchase a new planner
2. Start a prayer jar/journal
3. Purchase new highlighters and pens
4. Purchase new bible, or bag/cover
What do the above have to do with growing closer to God and achieving my goals?
Structure and excitement! We all get excited about new clothes, new gadgets.
Get your new year gear in place and get ready to achieve goals you've never achieved before!
It's "High Time!"
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
You can help us continue to bless and encourage others.
Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
You can help us continue to bless and encourage others.
Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
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