Equipped4More Ministries

You've Got The Power

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." 
Luke 10:19

Authority.  Power.  Trample.  
Not the first words that come to mind in weight loss.  Yet, if they were, we might find success a little sooner on our journeys.  God revealed to me early on in my personal weight loss journey, that my weight was absolutely hindering me from serving Him fully.  Yet, time and time again I sought outside resources to give me power,  desire, and motivation to lose weight.  Once I came to the realization that satan was the one behind keeping me back, I began to desperately seek God for help.  The above verse is a bold reminder of just how much God can impact your weight loss.  He gives you power.  Power over ALL the the power of the enemy.  Friend, satan wants nothing more than for you to sit back in fear, anxiety, and frustration, suffering the torment of guilt, shame, and confusion over your weight.  Making you think that until you get motivated you will never lose the weight.  Wanting you to believe you are too far gone, too old, too tired, too poor to do anything about your weight struggles.  The list of doubts he wants to plant in your head is endless.  Those days are over!  He has been defeated!  Today, I encourage you to begin walking in the truth about your weight loss journey.  Allow God to plant new words in your head: Authority.  Power.  Trample.   Take your rightful authority.  Activate your power. Get ready to trample all over every tactic, temptation, and snare of satan.  Friend,
"You've got the power!"

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
Wow!  What a revelation.  For so long God, I have beaten myself up for not being self-controlled, unable to find the motivation to lose weight and keep it off.  I truly didn't realize Satan was behind it, keeping me from serving You.  I am so thankful to know that through You, I have the power to trample over him in this journey.  Today I am committed to taking my authority, a gift straight from You, and so grateful that I no longer have to fight on my own.  I owe You everything, and will continue to testify about Your work in my weight loss.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

You've Got The Power!
Let's use these words found in today's verse to find lasting success in weight loss.

Authority:  Take authority over your temptations.  Quit acting like you cannot overcome the cookie.  The cookie does not own you or have authority over you!  

Power:  The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives inside of you. That's not me talking.  The Bible says so.  Activate the power that is within you!

Trample:  Now put these words into action.  If you have the power and the authority, use them by trampling on Satan and his tricks.  I often speak aloud this very statement throughout my day.

 "Satan, you cannot have my weight loss journey!  It belongs to God!  He has told me I will be successful.  Now it's time for you to back off!  In the mighty name of Jesus!"  

Try it!  You will be surprised at how strong you become when you talk back to Satan!

When you activate these words, you can embrace the end of that scripture that says, "and nothing shall by any means hurt you."  Realize today that when you live by the Word of God and what it says, you will find success in life.  And in weight loss.  
You've Got the Power!

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